Hi all,
I was recently approached by a competitor who says that my website is copying his. It’s all almost completely different with a couple of minor similarities.
Has anyone had any experience in this area, should I be worried about these allegations? How close does it have to be for him to have a legal leg to stand on?
Graham and Sons
Cheers in advance
You can check if your site content is plagiarised.You can find it online for free too.
If its plagiarised get new content into your site.
Your competitor website link please?
All of the content is original, it’s just the design that they object to.
Then you need to change your design .
Do you have links to compare?
Hi crelegant,
I’m not sure if I can mention them by name in case they have a problem with that and they do choose to take things further.
The only things the same are the fonts and a couple of boxes with similar functionality.
Have you personally had any experience with this? Do you know how much design similarity is enough to be considered a in infringement on their copyright? Eg. if heading styles or layouts are enough?
It can be serious issue if the header or footer or even the content part looks identical. I really cannot confidently say right now without comparing the design.
If you cannot share the URL publicly, you can find me on Skype: crelegant. We can continue discussion over there where I can guide you in right direction.
Can you provide your competitor link,I can suggest you whats wrong or ask him what exactly should be changed.
You can Skype at pradeep.narava or email me at pnatrial@gmail.com