El producto que compre no funciona como dice el autor

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Licensor’s Author Username: DoughouzDark
Licensee: TCS Ltda
Item Title: Wonderful - The Ultimate Welcome Page Themes For WoWonder
Item URL: Wonderful - The Ultimate Welcome Page Themes For WoWonder by DoughouzDark
Item ID: 36355367
Item Purchase Code: (removed personal data)
Purchase Date: 2023-02-26 15:06:11 UTC

Hice todo lo que dice el autor para ponerlo a funcionar y no fue posible, me dio unas instrucciones incorrectas y ahora dice que el lo arregla en el servidor, salen muchos errores y en el código fuente se ve que hay malas practicas de programación, no me quiero quedar con algo que no funciona, necesito mi dinero de vuelta


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I did everything the author says to make it work and it was not possible, he gave me incorrect instructions and now he says that he fixes it on the server, there are many errors and in the source code it is seen that there are bad programming practices, no I want to keep something that doesn’t work, I need my money back


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Yes, I want a refund, I’m not satisfied with this program, I don’t want to keep that script, it’s badly done

What My money back

Please check my above reply :point_up_2: