Education Logo ... Please Help?

Please help what is the reason for rejecting this logo


hi sorry to say just this as u certainly did your best but this item looks rather more like a clipart than a logo in terms fo style and u turn out to b very far from standards here indeed … u need to make sure that people can identify a concept , with your logo i have no idea what it is … u have to make sure that there is no execution mistake and that the style looks more modern - think about monder trends with shapes withdrawn from other for instance , using the pathfinder a lot - so that u can possible have a selling potential … u need to rework the typo greatly , introduce originality , variations and font combinations and for this i highly recommend that u add a tagline …


Hi, can you advise me on my rejected logo?

too monochromatic and the text is pretty boring and similar all the way

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create a new thread pls! though i will answer here as u have posted here anyways … what u have is very basic in terms of concept - if there is ever one actually … - and the execution is very summary to say the least , as of now it does not look purely professionally executed and i have trouble to identify that both the illustration are connected at this stage , what i see is a car pasted right next to a text indeed … besides the typo is very basic lacking of everything including, originality, harmony, variations and font combinations and as regard to how typo is important in every category here this is much of a mistake to say the least … i would recommend that u introduce a tagline and honestly , think about it , do u think that this item has much commercial potential? it would take 5 minutes or not over 10 to a guy who knows how to use illustrator to redo it , so why would anyone buy it when they are not saving time, they would just save money by redoing on their own … besides maybe they would not even need to lol just using the automatic transforming tool of illustrator would get the job done …

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Can you help me?
why this item was rejected???

hi this is not bad but the thing is that i am not 100% sure that the execution is absolutely perfect indeed as some shapes do not look 100% even indeed , but maybe this is coming from the preview , i am not sure (or maybe the fact that peaks are definitely very thin). However what i am sure about is that typo and text part need some more work as the typo is rather flat or a bit too common, lacking a bit of an orignality touch and most importantly of variations and font combinations. I would also rather recommend that u use the the darker pink tonne for the name and and the lighter orange color for the tagline that u can ultimately naturally emphasize the hierarchy of elements