.ds_store files on mac el capitan

As el Capitan was released Asepsis stop working and developers said they won’t “fix” it because it’s impossible in El Capitan.

So how You remove .ds_store files:

sudo find / -name “.DS_Store” -depth -exec rm {} ;

This remove them but as You only open folder, they are created

defaults write com.apple.desktopservices DSDontWriteNetworkStores true

Doesn’t work.

So how prevent El Capitan to create this trash files?

I have found something like this:


create cron and regulary delete it…

I only used DS_Store Cleaner…

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ok so simples is make this, effect that same or even better

on earlier os x was some software but it doesn’t work on el capitan … maybe cron job every 1 second…

I wrote a tutorial on this - https://www.thewebsitedev.com/compress-folders-on-mac-without-ds_store-files/

Ok thanks but I think that this is still best solution so far.

I’ve made a tutorial for all who have issues after being rejected on ThemeForest (Soft Rejected) because of “ds_store Hidden Files or Folders found”.

Hope this helps

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Thanks but this is really sudo find / -name “.DS_Store” -depth -exec rm {} ; — enought

yes, i alway use

this is fastest way.