Dowloaded a preview now the content/audio disappeared?

Hi, I downloaded a preivew by an author called Infibeats. I’ve based an animation on this audio, my client has approved it but unfortunately I can’t seem to find the track ( Ambient Cinematic World Classical | Classical) or the author. I really appreciate anyone that could help me find this author or audio. :frowning:

Unfortunately, that author’s account has been closed and the item is no longer available:

Really sucks though… Infibeats was really good. I guess I’ll have custom similar music composed. Thanks

Well, it was likely a stolen track. Brand new profiles aren’t usually removed just like that…

If you can post the preview on SoundCloud and embed the link here maybe someone will recognize the track.

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Cheers Flumen. For anyone awesome enough to help the link is below. If you recognise it comment below thanks in advance.