Does this logo design have change to be approved? feedback appreciate it

Hi all,

I made some logo design concept, I am interested what do you think about this if could be change for this to be approve or not .I have folllowed latest advices from more experience designers, so I decided to go simple with presentation and with thumbnail too.


Thank you

Beste regards


hi first of all beware of the styles … not only they make feel lie u have not created the logo with illustrator and thus maybe not be vector ones but in addition, they are killing the readability of the text and not being particularly aesthetic and thus being useful if u wish … also pay attention color combinations, combos like yellow and red are definitely not working , not being aesthetic and definitely not valuing your work in the end … try also to make sure that the same color is being applied to elements which make sense to be in the same color too . for me, in what u have here, the best version is one color ones
otherwise the go being placed like this makes very little sense … this is not realistic as for the way a buyer would use it and the italic is just breaking the harmony rathe than any other thing indeed
the tagline is not imbricating properly and this is even more shocking that most of the people have this problem between text and illustration but u could do well with the name and illustration but the tagline breaks it all … bring u the slogan so that u can arrange just this

I do apologize for late reply, Highly appreciate your feedback.

Yours feedback minds a lot …

Thank you

best regards


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hi jake u are welcome , good luck and good work, if u have enough clues for your item , just click the “solution” box :slight_smile: