According to the license certificate on my videos:
“The license you hold for this item is only valid if you complete your End
Product while your subscription is active. Then the license continues
for the life of the End Product (even if your subscription ends).”
Does that mean the license is only valid on the date my video project is CREATED or when it is made public on YouTube? My plan is to finish creating the project now, but not release the video on YouTube for several months. Does that mean I need to re-subscribe when the video is published on YouTube even though I already created it several months prior? Thanks.
Great question! Based on the licensing terms you mentioned, here’s how it works:
The license becomes valid as long as you create the End Product (your video project) during an active subscription. Once the End Product is completed while your subscription is still active, the license remains valid for the lifetime of that End Product, regardless of when or where it is published (e.g., on YouTube, a few months later).
In your case, if you finish creating the video project now while your subscription is active, you do not need to re-subscribe when publishing it on YouTube later. The license remains valid even if your subscription has ended by the time you make the video public. Just make sure you complete the project during your active subscription and document the completion date for clarity.
If you’re unsure or want confirmation, you can always reach out to Envato Support directly for further clarification. Hope this helps, and good luck with your project!
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