Does it make sense to work further with these sales?

Does it make sense to work further with these sales?

It’s 185 for 1 year, not too bad.

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I’ve been an author with Envato for over 5 years and I have less than 300 sales but I’m not giving up. When that money gets payed out to you it is a good feeling… :grin::ok_hand:t5:

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Very bad!(((((

Only you can answer that question. Everyone has a different outlook on what’s working for them, what isn’t and only you know how much time and effort you’ve put into your tracks, and whether the amount of sales you’re getting is enough to compensate you adequately for that time and effort. But also take into account future sales… something that hasn’t compensated you sufficiently after 11 months might be a bit closer to the mark after two or three years, so it;s a bit of an investment in that regard.

whats very bad?