Does Envato act against the authors of Envato markets?

When I said that elements will be very bad for us authors there is always somoene related to staff or forum moderator that is saying that elements is a different markwtplace and it should not affect our sales in any way, yeah right :slight_smile:

Envato has forgot that we authors and our passion for our work got it were it is today.

Personally I don’t understand thier nove with elements, it spells dizaster on a long therm for authors like me and most of the matketplace is made from authors like me.

Maybe I am seeing this wrong even though is obvious at this point that Elements is the main priority for Envato but I would like to see other opinions from authors.


Its completely misleading the clients. one of my regular buyer asked me last month? have you uploaded your items to the elements. I said no, I will never do that. He told me yeah man I think you only get 1 instead of 25. According to his words He is very much interested to move my projects to elements instead of purchasing single project. and I have asked how did you get to know about elements. what he said is “he saw the unlimitd assets banner ad in the vidoehive page top section”

I would like to see an ad showing the audiojungle link that I have used in project page. and also I would like see audio jungle music page showing an ad of videohive projects created using that music. right now its authors are doing it using collaboration. as videohive is gathering information of audio in upload page. I guess they can easily implement that feature. showing the videohive projects created using that music in the bottom is a pretty good feature.


that didn’t age well :joy: