Hello, I am seeing a very large amount of HTML templates that when I try to search anything it doesn’t really work. Does envato requires backend such as PHP or to make search function work (only in HTML templates)?
Html templates are not connected with database so the there is no “search result” (no backend) and it is not required.
On other side, some of them may have some PHP part but for sending mails (contact form).
Thanks for the help! Why it is not required to add functionality for HTML but it is necessary for Wordpress? if I may ask…
WordPress is CMS system and it already have a database “inside it” (when you install WP you need to have a database - you can’t start using WP without database) and using it you are creating a dynamic website - for example, when you add a new post it is stored in database and go on first place on your Blog page. If you have set to have 10 posts per page and you have more of 10 posts, the posts from 11-20 will go automatically on second page. Also there are a lot of more data which is stored automatically when you create a post, like - date, time, author… Also you can ease add categories, tags etc… Also, search page, author page, error page, post archive page are already there - because you have all data for this pages.
On other side HTML templates are static “websites” (actually they are just templates and you need to modify them for you need) and they don’t have a database. You need to create your own, to fill it with all data which you need, to create a pagination system for pages, search result page, author page, categories for posts (if you need) and so on.
Thank you, yes I am a developer and I know what Wordpress consist of, and that a HTML is static and not dynamic unless you make it as you said it. My question was regarding Themeforest standards, why they accept HTML themes that don’t really work, nevermind.