Documentation for the Germany counterpart of ASCAP und BMI (GEMA)


I plan to make a DVD-production and would like to ask if it’s possible to get some documentation that states that your music is indeed royalty-free? If you want to press DVD’s here in Germany you have to have clearance from the german counterpart of ASCAP und BMI, which is called GEMA in Germany.

AudioJungle is a royalty-free stock audio Web site, authors are not allowed to submit audio/music that is registered with any Performance Rights Organizations (PROs) such as ASCAP, BMI, Harry Fox, SESAC etc…

About types of license here :

When buying music, you will get a text file in which the license will be something like this is written:

LICENCE CERTIFICATE : Envato Marketplace Item

This document certifies the purchase of:
as defined in the standard terms and conditions on the Envato Marketplaces.

Licensor’s Author Username: RMS_Production
Licensee: Roman Larkov

For the item:
Lazer Gun Shot 1

Item ID: 163859

Item Purchase Code: 9eb9c7ce-46b0-4cce-8df5-7f4efbf8f728

For any queries related to this document or license please contact envato support via

Envato Pty. Ltd. (ABN 11 119 159 741)
PO Box 21177, Little Lonsdale Street, VIC 8011, Australia


We produced a feature film vor swiss national television (SRF). Is it possible to get clearance for some audiojungle tracks? The film will be broadcastet in swiss tv as well as other television stations and it will be commercialy relased on dvd.

How can we get clearance?

Thank you for your answer.
luki frieden

In that case, I guess, you should purchase the tracks you need with extended license and that`s it.

Hi Zineb

There will be no mentioning of the music in the credits since tv movies in switzerland only have 40 seconds and are regulated about what goes in and what does not. The composer of the original score is mentioned in the opening credits but not in the end. The same for camera, directing, etc…

Best wishes, Luki

Hi Zineb

There will be no mentioning of the music in the credits since tv movies in switzerland only have 40 seconds and are regulated about what goes in and what does not. The composer of the original score is mentioned in the opening credits but not in the end. The same for camera, directing, etc…

Best wishes, Luki