Do you think it will get rejected or accepted?

I designed this template and I want to know your opinion if it will be rejected or accepted

Oldschool :slight_smile:
90% this will be rejected.

and btw , don`t use blurry graphics for the final title (logo).

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I feel I will resign if they reject my project
It took long time and I can’t beer the result get zero :frowning:

Don’t give up dude! I had like 12 projects rejected in a row and I’m still here. Just keep improving and trying again.

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Although I can’t bear more, but I will retry just because of your advice dear :slight_smile:

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That’s the spirit. Just keep trying. Also if you need some advice feel free to ask. I am no expert, but I will try and help you as much as I can.

Oh,thank you very much
That’s so kind of you
If you accept to talk with you private messages :slight_smile:

Yeah you can follow me on hive or fb.