Do you market your Graphic River items in Dribbble?

Do you market your Graphic River items in Dribbble?

hi yes i showcase them there but hard to determine if this is really efficient and it really brings sales … not to mention that they seem to block referrals there …

Hi N2N… my old buddie :slight_smile:

Thanks for your response. What do you mean by “not to mention that they seem to block referrals there …” ?

Also will you mind if I can have a Dribbble invite?

Thank you.

if u have a look at the code that they generate , they continue the link and add “no referral” or somethign like this , basically if u refer an item and that people buy u cannot get a referral fron the link u put there if i could understand well …

why would i mind if u had an invite? lol i would be happy for you lol but if u ask me one , i already need one for some but i do not have any left … i was given mine by a friend from GR and was never told that i had sone invites to share with other people … i do not know how and when they do just that , i would like to receive some for sure lol

no problemo friend. Its perfectly OK. OK bbye and TC.

what is TC amigo? do not forget i am old as u mentioned lol ahahah and do not understand youngster’s language anymore lol

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TC = Take care :slight_smile:

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thanks i learnt something lol life is a continuous learning :slight_smile: