Do we need a Game Music category in AJ?

No correcting needed. For non-downloadable games, the standard license would be enough.
This is merely my opinion, I am no authority on the matter.

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Hey @MojoSoundtrackMusic!

As with most of my sales, the majority are plain “standard licenses”. From time to time I try and track the buyers but it’s not an easy task as most of them are registred only with an initial and a last name. Also, the very few times I found the track wrongly used in contents aimed at fairly big audiences, those costumers didn’t even answer my mails or social media messages and the support crew didn’t help at all either. To make things even more tricky, I’m not affiliated to any international PRO (yeah, I know, it’s something I gotta do right away) so I can’t be sure if they’re being broadcasted.

That said, from time to time bigger licenses do come through so I just let it go with the flow. Me and my damn laziness.

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I see. Hopefully Envato will soon act according to our broadcast license presentation update thread, that would help a lot for future sales being purchased with the right license. I mean how can we expect customers to do the right thing when we authors are also confused…

Hope you get into PRO boat sooner than later, there are potentially serious money getting lost there for soooo many authors (just look at the new files list and see how many authors are not PRO registered, it´s crazy).

Also registering with Content ID is a great way to have more control over where your tracks are being used in my short lived experience, just recently found one of my tracks used in a birth control advertisement thanks to Adrev…!


I just had 2 sales to two different game manufacturers and it did occur to me that, if these musical works are being used in mass-market games but only paid for with the standard license, that would be pretty significant…in an unsettling way. Of course, maybe these companies will not be using the music for games, but it does suggest to me that perhaps something like a broadcast license might be appropriate. Has anyone had a sale for a standard license and later learned it was being widely used?