Do I need own hosting to upload item to codecanyon?

Hi everyone,

I recently uploaded a new item to codecanyon and my files include a zipped file with index.html for Live Preview but it was soft rejected for the following reason:

“LIVE DEMO NOT ACCESSIBLE: A full review cannot be performed at this time - please check your live demo URL and resubmit.”

I can see that there is a field for “Demo URL” stating this “Link to a live preview on your own hosting (i.e.”

But I don’t want to post it on my hosting, I prefer to keep the live demo only on envato?

Please let me know if I’m missing something?

Thank you

May I get some help with this issue please, unless I’m missing something, is it a new general rule? Thanks

Envato don’t host the demo - you have to do that yourself

Thanks Charlie,
Is it a new rule because I used to upload some of my demos only on envato (including my latest item)

It’s always been the case that live demos are hosted by authors. If you remove the preview bar on any file yo will see the url belongs to the authors

Did your other files have demo live links? You never included one and just submitted the raw files?

I had a live preview of my latest item and here is the link after removing the iframe:

Maybe check with support then - I was always under the impression that envato themselves did not host demos but am less familiar with codecanyon

Thanks for your time.