Dismiss the vector work. Explanations in poor quality, How to understand this? Criticism please

So the letter came -

Thank you for your submission. We have completed our review of “The image of a cat’s head (cat) in tribal pattern” and we will not be able to re-submit this item Again.

We appreciate the effort and time you’ve put into creating your item. And we’d be happy to help make sure your next entry will meet our submission requirements. Here’s our advice:

Visit our forums and ask fellow authors for feedback. Our helpful community will be glad to lend a hand.

I’m not really bad at riceimage

Thank you!
Ears - hmm … yes, maybe they are thin, but that was hardly the reason for the ban. It is a pity that they do not explain the reason for the ban,

Is this the preview of the item ? How did you preview the item, I think envato is rejecting items based on the quality of the review also, because similar thing happened to me also. Item got rejected and the same set of elements got approved as an update for another item, when I asked the community one friend commented me pointing the preview but I didn’t do it, I think I should have done it so it would be a new item then, any way show your preview also so we can give our opinions

It’s not the reviewers job to provide detailed feedback on the reasons for rejection. Their job is purely to review items, reject them or approve them, and let the author know the outcome of the review.

Sure, it would be nice to have feedback, but the time it would take to provide useful feedback for the tens of thousands of items submitted a month, would push review times through the roof.

That’s why people aren’t allowed to resubmit items over and over again. You may feel that they should be providing feedback, which is fair enough, but that’s not currently what the job entails, so it’s slightly unfair to say the reviewer isn’t doing their job… when they are.

May not be fair, but it’s not his job to give you directions. If somebody didn’t give you directions, you wouldn’t say they weren’t doing their job correctly.

Think it through though… say something is rejected for using an outdated font. What feedback would they give? If they just said the font was outdated then how would the designer know which font to use instead? They thought the first font was good, so it’s unlikely just telling them it isn’t will mean they know which font to replace it with.

The other option would be to tell them which font they should use instead. That would be beyond the scope of feedback, would limit variety and creativity, and they’d essentially be training the designer… so somebody could just upload a black circle on a white background and then expect the reviewer to go back and forth until the author has a premium business card, flyer or WordPress theme.

But still, all this just detracts from what the reviewers are paid to do. They’re not paid to train people up or spend most of their time providing feedback.

I’m just starting to work with the drains. And Envano is the only one where feedback is not indicated at least by the criterion of failure.
For example, the shutter or fotolia have a failure category and it is more or less clear that the error (except for technical estimates of the same commercial value). Apparently, out of habit, I expected something like this. The question is basically solved.
The referee is more visible, and I just send the work to another site where it is accepted. It’s like fishing.

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This is an excellent example of a creative dialogue aimed at mutually beneficial cooperation between the parties.