Diffrent Badges for "Featured Item"


thats not only for one user - thats looking for all featured items. and authors.

Is that was normal or bug ?

and “This item was featured on themeforest” badge is not looking good as profile badge (looks like blurred)

I dont get your question. That badge is awarded to ANY author who has made one of his/her items being featured by the envato team.

I mean the two badges should be same - not different each one.

actually this has being answered before. there are two version of every badge. I don know how to embedded a text from that topic to what one of the envato team members said. look

"scottwillsEnvato Community Team29d 1
Exclusive author bug.

plz check the links.
Hi Muse_Master! There are actually two versions of every badge. A full sized, more detailed version, and a smaller, less-detailed version. The badges get used in different places so we needed two versions. You can see all the full size / more detailed versions on the Community Badges30 page and on the new forums page. Everywhere else, such as on Envato Market profiles and item pages, the smaller / less detailed versions will be used. Hope this helps explain."

here is the link so you can see it

I just realized it was answered to you a month ago and you replied to that answer. jeje! cheers!!

Ha.ha. i missed that - Thanks.