Different "item support" message based of buying the item

I found a few days ago an item that had this message about the support: “This author’s response time can be up to 1 business day.”. Ok… i bought the item and now there is this message “This author provides limited support for this item through email contact form.”. If i enter without my account on that page, it shows me the first message.
So why this mumble-jumble switch of the messages?

Here is the proof:
item: https://codecanyon.net/item/woocommerce-customer-history/20429937/comments
how you see it before you buy it:

how i see it now, after i bought it:

Try clearing your cache - shows “1 day” for us on both your link and the item ( we never purchased it but that shouldn’t impact things).

Bear in mind that you are looking at the “comments” tab and should only be interested in what the “suppprt” tab shows

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I cleared my cache… But it’s funny how the message it’s switching and only on the Comments tab. In Support tab everything it’s ok. I tried on other item i bought and it’s the same, if i see it in Comments tab it show me something, if i see it using my acount where i bought it, it shows me something else. I don’t really have a problem with this, but it’s a bit confusing. :slight_smile: