Development - solution for many variants of the theme storage

Dear experienced authors,

While developing a theme which has let’s say 20-30 variants of demo, what is the best practice to build a demo site based on wordpress multisite plugin or having seperate wordpress installation for each demo?

I see Avada uses multisite in meantime others use seperate wordpress installation.

What is more efficient in practise and what are pros and cons

I’d personally say multisite is more tidy way to do it. If I was to list pros for the multisite i’d say:

  • you have a centralised management under one admin dashboard
  • you don’t have to upload X times the updated version of a theme
  • you need just one hosting account (that is if you used a shared hosting)

I can’t really see any cons, but I am not a theme author, so these are just my assumptions.

With separate version you can synchronize files with rsync and database structure by mysql replication. One of websites become master others as slave, and checking updates from master.

Advantages: with this variant you don’t have care about compatibility, exporting/importing demo content.

Disadvantage: a lot of copies you should have on your server… and not good approach.

Multi-site version is good, but big disadvantage is exporting/importing demo content, also need to adapt some plugins perhaps…

Expecting answer of those authors who already passed this way