Developers, what will you do if CC and TT will move to the subscription model?

Developers, what will you do if CC and TT will move to the subscription model?

Simple question, simple answer.

Personally, I will squeeze as much as I can until I find another way to sell my work but it this happens code is dead on Envato nobody will bother except beginners selling 2$ scripts…


I guess nobody cares anymore…

Probably, maybe…

Only time will tell…


Considering what happened so far Envato probably it was bought it to kill the competition… sad times to see this happening, Envato literally killed it’s self and cashed out, this marketplace could have been a beacon of light in the mess there is now with AI and subscription model… and yes it would have to continue to thrive because it had the best freelancer dev sin the world and all the passion was put i their work.

How they messed up so badly I have no clue.


If CC and TT switch to a subscription model, developers might need to evaluate the cost-benefit ratio of the new pricing. They could consider adjusting their budgets, exploring alternative tools, or adapting their workflows to accommodate the change.

Elements is model which most of the authors won’t accept to get paid ~1$ per download/item.
They’re not going to create another thing just to pay you more.

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I don’t know of any serious developer who would want to sell their product, e.g. a plugin, in the model that works on Envato Elements. It would be absurd. So the vast majority will simply leave the market.

But let’s not be too pessimistic. At the moment, there really isn’t an alternative to CodeCanyon, and overall sales are still pretty good, so let’s hope things will only improve from here.


I hope so and welcome to the forum, if more of power-elite authors would speak maybe we can make it work… what Envato did in the past three years is absurd…

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CodeCanyon traffic is getting less and less compared to the first quarter of the year. The new items on the homepage gets around 40-100+ visits daily.

As it sounds, there’s no alternative to CC but most of the codes are being sold as “freemium” plugins from WordPress.Org

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freemium is not the same as premium and we all know it, support for plugins is essential, without it is just not working,.

Imagine finishing your website after a few months of work and in the nex t WordPress update one of your plugins dose not work, what do you do since there is no obligatory support on the fremium plugin you go crazy.

It is true that CodeCanyon has no competition to close the marketplace or make a subscription model just like a six-year-old is put in charge of the company, it will never work, and hopefully, it will not be the case.

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Depends on your item actually. You may offer some part of as free and you could request payment to unlock “more” features as well it could be used to gain some traffic and forward it to your website.

All items require support at some point, it it is a serious plugin, but even those that are simple sometimes don’t work, the point is that plugins need support and constant updates…

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Funny fact I was invited to sell on TemplateMonster… man Envato messed up bad!

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Depends what kind of subscription it is. I would like to see a subscription model that would require from customers to pay more for themes if they want new updates, for example, every six or twelve months. I think that could help authors with profit and award those who update themes.

If it is subscription model similar to Elements and if that would drastically reduce authors profits than for sure nobody would want to create anything new and would leave.

Sales are not good especially this month. Next few months traditionally should be a good season for sales so we will see what will be happening.

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The model that has now CC and TT isperfect they only need to build on it, they everything they need toe make it work better than ever… no subscription model will work unless is author based and even than it will devalue our work and demotivate us to create new stuff…

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