Designer flyer

Boa tarde,tenho estes flyer e gostaria de tentar vender meus progectos ,gostaria de saber se vale a pena eu tentar.
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christina rossetti remember summary

this is rather cool but u have several issues indeed , they are varying depending on which flyer we are considering …

the first one is not properly framed … u have too much space at the botton and not enough in the header … some of your texts are too close tp edges in a general way. The disposition has to be reworked to create more balance indeed

for the halloween one
the date is too close from the edge. The spacing can be improved and the gaps between the date the central title and footer is not the same … the central name is not popping out enough and there is an impact on the hierarchy of information

for the third one
the date is once again too close , the lower part is a bit too empty … the cloud part looks a bit coming out of the blue … it does not match this much with the style of the rest if u ask me

this is great u are highly creative and have many styles in your pocket :slight_smile:

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I will make it visible again :slight_smile: hehe - hand drawn on my wacom - I deleted it by accident somehow - submitted to GR market - waiting hehe - it’s also available on my envato elements profile so go and get it :smiley: hehehe

Yondu from guardians of galaxy was inspiration, but in my way :wink: for halloween

this is unique very well executed and color codes are pretty original for halloween, this is really cool all the way if u ask me … give a try to submit it indeed :slight_smile:

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it’s submitted and waiting :slight_smile: but on elements its already available

thanks for your opinion :slight_smile:

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now it’s accepted and available also on the GR market :slight_smile: hehe