Design Tests For VideoHive Category Pages

Why all the categories are sorted by Best sellers - Added in the last year?

Specifically: Under 18$, Best rated(added in the last year), Discover best selling items, New Best sellers, Top video displays, slideshows & presentation templates.

Thanks for the answer.

Previously, the reviewer chose 30 projects out of 300, and now 30 out of 100, that’s what I meant, only envato knows how many projects are loaded for review

If that was true, we would see decrease in quality of items. But as I see it only rising up.

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Did not understand the category Rising stars, she for new items of the month and every month renews? Or are the same items always there?

Rising stars = best selling items ADDED IN THE LAST MONTH. This category makes sense, because it gives attention to new items, but their placing should be higher, not the last place :confused:

Thanks for your comments so far :slight_smile: The image included is a preview of the new design, not the entire page. The current test includes two blocks which showcase new items: ‘new releases’ which displays the latest uploaded items; and ‘rising stars’ which displays items uploaded within the last month that have seen rising sales. Different pages include different combinations and positions of blocks.

This is our first release and we plan to iterate on it as we get back data. This means the blocks you see in this test may change, or change position on the page. We’ll be assessing the results before making any changes to the default displays.


Hi dear.

When we may see new page design?


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