Design Tests For VideoHive Category Pages

Guys, it’s obvious. Envato over saturated with new items and huge crowd of authors. Constantly uploading new items to gain audience attention - is a main strategy here. Looks like it’s not relevant today. Change your strategy, find new ways, adapt. That is what you can do, without asking and blaming anybody else. I also want to bring back newest items, but it’s not going to happen.
From March I monitor how much new items authors upload. And there is no any changes. We upload the same amount of items than before. Everybody know that this market need new items to be fresh. And a lot of authors said that without old category page authors will stop to upload items. But as practice shows, nothing happens. Market still have new uploads. You are not… We are not in position to dictate something.

About new design. I don’t like gigantic UI. It good for mobile, but not for big screens. And I think that majority clients buy items from their computers, not from mobile. So I don’t understand why we need so big interface. And it’s a general crisis of all web design. It’s happening everywhere. More about that I already wrote on another topic, so if any one interested you may read it below.

click to open

Hope in the end we will get more compact interface.