Delete code sidebar of index.php for wordpress

Hi to all:

I not want code of index.php of wordpress is:

<?php get_sidebar(); ?>

Than I want remove it. Not show sidebar my website.

it’s approved themeforest? please help me thanks.

There’s an option ( Widget Ready : Yes/No ) while uploading the theme but due to this is one of the core features of WordPress, reviewers may ask you to not the remove the widgets. Back then, I uploaded few themes with no widget but nowadays, there’s nothing certain about theme submissions

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Many thanks :slight_smile:

but show same categories :frowning: my website please help me thanks.


please help me!!!

Hi @jeriteam007,

What are you trying to achieve with Categories?


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Hi @LucaThemesCom

I have categories is Uncategorized but don’t can remove it :frowning:


Please go to “Settings > Writing” section on your WordPress dashboard, then change “Default Post Category” option (make sure you have additional category created). Save new settings and go back to “Posts > Categories” section to delete “Uncategorized”.



Many thanks :slight_smile: