Hi all! I wanted to first off thank everyone for all the help in the develop of my last theme!!! It was nice to have a community of persons genuinely interested in helping others. Well I am developing another theme and wanted to get your feedback on it. It is based on my sliding platform that I developed my other project on… Please tell me what you think. It is a minimalistic personal blog system. I am keenly interested in how I am handling the “instagram” on the site. I plan on adding some additional functionality to it (any suggestions are welcome) along with tweaking the typography…but the main purpose was to make something unique and snappy…
Demo: http://www.themeify.com/blogster/nunu9/
Go unique or go home
concept is cool but home and category page looks cluttered otherwise looks nice.
P.S I might borrow your font family for headings, looks nice
The font is called “have heart”… Thanks for the observations…
Concept is awesome
The Instagram this is very cool
The animations are fluid and not OTT like many on here.
You have a few avoidable validation issues (the reviewers are going to get tight on this)
Transitions to about/contact/categories lag a little first time round
I think the nav could stand out more (logo esp gets lost) maybe even consider a full screen over lay or off canvas push menu to make it distinguished?
If it were mine I would lose the images at the top of the about/contact pages just because they draw attention away from the cool side images which are more of a statement
Likewise i’d drop the post copy by a couple of px to around 15px just to tighten it up a bit but generally the typography is very good
Again if it were mine I would do something with the posts esp in category pages to make the text more readable e.g. on hover darken the image to make the post preview text more readable.
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Cool, I’ve noticed a bug in the post detail page, when you resize the browser, the image on the left side gets lost.
Thanks for the information and detailed response! Much appreciated. I think that I will drop the transparency on the menu and go a different route. Maybe do a slide for a full page menu… not sure yet…but note taken.
Also I was thinking the same thing regarding the About Me and Contact pages so I will also change that. Thanks again for the recommendations!!! Much appreciated…
Hmmm… I am not seeing that… What browser are you using… So I can try it also.
I’m using Chrome version 46.0.2490.80 m
Thanks… I will go ahead and look into that…
Thanks for the suggestions!!! Excellent information. Since those suggestions were valid, I went ahead and put something together to address what you mentioned. I think that I have a majority of things covered and probably will need some additional “cleaning and tweaking”. If you have some time could you take a look at my new rendition and tell me what you think and if it is value added the changes ?