Comment Box Missing

my comment box always missing at my posted blog .

  1. if i start a new post blog , the box comment will shown on screen

  2. but the box comment will be gone after a few days time.

  3. if i set a current date on publish setting , the box comment will showed up

  4. but if i set a old date on publish setting , the box comment will be gone

  5. discussion is enable

  6. Disscussion setting active .

please support me .



There are multiple causes why the comments box is now showing up on your website. Few of them are listed below:

###Solution 1:
Disable all plugins, one by one. Then, check the site is the comments section appeared on the site. There can be settings to disable the comments from a plugin.

###Solution 2:
Change your current theme to a default one (twentyseventeen for example). The comments can also be removed or disabled from functions or any other file from your theme.

Please let me know the result :slight_smile:

hi ,

Solution 1 : Did disable all plugin , but the box comment not shows up
Solution 2 : Change to theme twentyseventeen but still same.
Attached list of plugin that i used it.