codes or theme to Html5 mobile site for Android APK

need theme (In themeforest) (whatever based on wordpress or otherwise CMS), or special script (in Codecanyon) , or .APK app file.

I need to find a solution to build a Html 5 site ,then simple packing it into an Android .apk file. which used for movice which users watch them can online. need to support HLS (m3u8 format) , mobile friendly, and easy packing into .apk , or just .apk itself which can easy custom.

any advice welcome , thanks~

I would strongly recommend Cordova. This would be the best and most practical solution-

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thank you Enabled , surly cordova is an apache projects, so I absolutely trust it , and it seems free I think peoples love it . however it look like a framework, my skill of development may not enough , I am trying to find a easy and fast solution with fairly budget.