Classify Theme

Is there a way to remove the map from the Contact page?
Thank you


go to wp-admin then Pages and edit the ‘Contact’ page. when you will go to edit the Contact page you will see the map code there and you have to remove the map code. before doing any change you can keep a backup of the Contact page code.


I tried that but there is no code for the map.

see attached.

Thank you!

Jennifer J Coleman
Marketing Consultant

Senior Designer

Solstice Sporthorses



please check theme settings and disable the map. If you don’t find then you can add the following css into theme css:

.page-template-template-contact #page-head, .page-template-template-contact #classify_map {
   display: none;

the above css will remove the map from the contact map.


@mgscoder my friend it will not remove but will only hide it. So, if want to hide then there should be some option in the theme settings. If no settings then make sure its not a page template assigned page. Those are the points which can help to remove map.

Thank you

@galaxy-theme if you are a developer then you should to know using css possible to hide, never possible to delete any html part from the website. I use remove which mean hide. and I recommended them to check theme settings first.

My friend @mgscoder I did not say any thing wrong at all. Being developer we know what a word means not a non-developer person. If you mean hide then use word hide which is used for that purpose. There is difference between hide and remove so that’s why I only mentioned.

Thanks. I am not a developer. I’ll try to hide it, but I do not see that option. I will likely just make a new page.

Jennifer J Coleman
Marketing Consultant

Senior Designer

Solstice Sporthorses


yes you are not wrong. just tried to mean the importance of the correct word. So, w3schools should to edit their page and should replace word ‘Remove’ with ‘Hide’ here:

as a css coder/developer should to know the use of: display: none; and visibility: hidden;
By the way thank you.

No problem at all. If W3C uses a wrong word they should correct it. Humans do make errors … but if you think W3C uses that word so its true then its not true by just that fact. …