I’m looking for a classifieds site where customers can buy and chat with sellers but the money is paid to the platform and it releases it to the seller after delivery.
The site must have a single profile (customer/seller) in the personal panel users can make deposits or withdrawals in their wallet and can pay via wallet.
In the delivery panel, customers must indicate when they wish to receive the product from a list created by the administrator.
Basic requirements:
-Frontend (ad site with categories/subcategories/attributes), List of ads with search by categories/subcategories, attributes and locations
-Backend purchase monitoring and wallet management
-Chat (optional price offer via chat)
-Wallet (Escrow)
-Single user
Additional: possibility of Flutter or Native App
Not sure if there’s any template available, it’s pretty big job and requires lots of security.
I’m curious to know if you ever made any progress on this project. I’ve been kicking around a classified site that has some similar aspects. There are a ton of moving parts, and it may be a good idea to simplify… but there is most definitely a big hole in the market, and a whole lot of frustration with the current options.
there are lots of decent classified options out there Classified Website Templates | ThemeForest but when you look at adding Escrow that is a very different discussion.
Adding that element is far more than what a classified website is about and introduces banking status considerations which come with significant cost, regulation, security etc. It is extremely unlikely that a stock website is going to meet the requirements let alone the going costs to manage and maintain it.