Which one do you use in the design process. I’m edging towards Chrome most of the time.
Personally I like to Firebug, Chrome Developer tool Is good, But Friebug User friendly
Personally I’m more comfortable with Chrome
I am using Chrome most of the time so I usually work with Chrome DevTools.
Chrome for surfing , and for the rest Firefox.
Chrome Dev Tools.
Firebug beats Chrome’s Inspector at any time of the day or night
RubenBristian saidFirebug beats Chrome’s Inspector at any time of the day or night
Firebug is slightly more complete, but you’d be surprised! I’ve found my workflow is much faster when I use Chrome’s inspector! I don’t even touch firebug anymore, unless I need to fix a FF issue
Or the secret third option, FireFox’s built in dev tools! Hit Shirt+F7 to open it. This thing is similar to FireBug, but I like it’s stylesheet editor way more (syntax highlighting, etc) plus it’s lighter weight.
I still use FireBug for certain inspecting tasks, as it still does some things better (like show padding and margin on the screen).
Chrome Dev Tools doesn’t allow you to edit the stylesheet in text mode, which is a major feature I need! Chrome has a much better console, so it’s superior for debugging scripts.
I use chrome and chrome dev tools because It is very light and Firefox is very heavy for landing…
I used to work with firebug a few years back, but ever since i have started using chrome and their dev tools i hardly open up firefox other then for firefox browser issue’s. I mostly do debugging for Support requests. Also Chrome Dev tools has a lot of tricks up its sleeves . You have to read a bit on it.
Chrome dev tools when checking my design in Chrome, Firefox dev tools when checking in Firefox
I used Firebug a lot, but ever since I’ve stopped using Firefox, I’ve been using Chrome with its tools, and love it
Chrome any day!
There’s a reason Firefox completely copied the Chrome Inspector.
The answer also depends on which browser is your favorite.
RubenBristian saidFirebug beats Chrome’s Inspector at any time of the day or night
One day, at 15:00 I used both chrome and firefox and chrome beat it so hard
Chrome Dev Tools, Used to work with Firebug when I was using Firefox a few years back. But nowadays I only use firefox for testing purpose and Firebug only gets opened when a bug needs to be fixed for FF.
Chrome for everything.
Chrome any day.
Chrome - All in!
imangm saidRubenBristian saidFirebug beats Chrome’s Inspector at any time of the day or night
One day, at 15:00 I used both chrome and firefox and chrome beat it so hard
Best reply ever!