Check your Envato balance from Apple Watch! For free (kinda)!

Hello, fellow authors!

A lot of you know and use various smartphone apps like Vatomium for checking your Envato balance and sales stats.
So, recently I got my hands on Apple Watch and I was curious if any of those apps support it. And sadly none of them did. But since I had to justify the purchase of the Watch I started to look for a solution. And “found” it :slight_smile:

The solution came in form of Workflow app (which you should already be using if you have a Watch :smile:). This app is basically like macOS’s “Automator”, but more powerful.
Now, the app itself is not free, but come on, it’s more than worth it’s $2.99.

Essentially after you do what this post says you will have a button on the Watch that when pressed will show you your current balance, last sold item as well as date-time and value of the sale:


(Balance blurred out because I blurred it out)

How to set up

So, if you have a Workflow app you can download the .wflow file via the link below, import it to iCloud drive and open it to add it to the app.


Workflow will ask you to provide a Personal Token which you can get on the Envato Build page. Make sure it’s Personal Token, not an app.
Permissions needed for it to work are:

  • View your Envato Account username
  • View your account profile details
  • View your items’ sales history

That’s it, no “download purchases” permission or other dodgy stuff needed (the big well-known analytics dashboard, I’m looking at you).

Once you’ve got your token, paste it in the workflow and that’s it!
Make sure you add the “Envato Stats” workflow to your watch in the application settings and you’re good to go!

The workflow is currently in review by the Workflow people (man, the damn reviews are everywhere) and will probably be included in Workflow Gallery later, so installation will be much easier. Hopefully.


You can easily customize the workflow if you want to, just open it in the app and tap “Edit”.
If you want to change the message, you can scroll down to the final “Alert” step and edit it there.


Now, you might be wondering, “What the hell is “” URL”? This is an API conveniencizer (totally a legit word) that I made a while back for an After Effects script because Envato won’t ever standardize their APIs, and it’s code is available on GitHub, so no shady stuff there.

To be continued

This Workflow thing is very cool and I’ll soon be updating VatoGate and posting more Apple Watch goodness, so if you’re into that stuff, stay tuned! :slight_smile:

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