Please check my html demo if it’s wrong some please feedback thanks.
Hello jeriteam,
I have found many minor mistake in your design.
- scroll to top button is only visible when user scroll down not before.
- You design Landing page so navigation must be stick on the top so user can move freely.
- In make appointment form text box you remove left-right-top border then on hover effect you have to remove left-right-top border also.
and many more.
Good Design
- You design Landing page so navigation must be stick on the top so user can move freely.
I don’t understand please explain again thanks
Check Above url Check the navigation. now you can understand what i am trying to say. I hope you Understand.
Now yes fix scroll down?
yes. When You are creating Single page design then when user click on Blog from navigation then what if user instantly wanted to go to Contact Section?
For that you have to stick navigation to top while scrolling so user can easily go to one section from another.
Many thanks for your help regards.
Hi, as @Jaguar_Themes said, make navigation stick to the top of page. Also you can add title for blog posts, without title it doesn’t give idea what’s the post about. Maybe reduce sections padding too. Also think about adding some animations. Good luck!
Yes, I understand many thanks regards.