Changing style of gallery item background and title

I am using Enfold theme for a website i am currently working on. On some of the pages I have a masonry gallery grid, used for links into the main sections of the website.
The layout is fine, but struggling to be able to change the individual background for each gallery item/title area. It’s currently set to white.
Also, I do not see anywhere where I can make the title central (rather then left aligned).

It may be something really obvious, as I’ve not used Wordpress for about a year (due to a change in job), so just getting back up to speed.

Any suggestions please?


You should contact the theme author to help you with this.

Usually the image for every gallery item either is used from featured image that you set in every gallery post or from some options on that page.

You can center the title using some custom css if the theme doesn’t support this.