Category Page Update

Hi all, authors, mods and staff.
I read 95% of all comments. its clearly one direction suggestions,
“New Items” & dump the “Elements” banner. cant argue with the mob.

I truly believe that the authors who made this website for what it is
understand it much better than anyone else. even if we are wrong,
we should have a say.

I think all of the categories should be implemented. together.
1/2 rows for each starting with New items and onwards.
with a simple arrow to slide more items.
I SAY TOGETHER. Just like the search on “Elements”.
Sorry for the quick mock design…

All the great minds of UI/UX, design and all of us here:
why don’t we have better solutions to this matter?
and if we had them, will anyone listen?

This situation is concerning very much. as a new/old author (almost 2 years)
i saw this market falling in traffic and sales.
I really thought I could leave my day job…
doesn’t seems real now…