Cant Install Theme

I have purchased and downloaded a theme but when installing into WP it just goes into an endless loop. I can install other themes but the one i purchased will not upload.

I have very limited and basic skills, has anyone got any suggestions?


Are you sure it is a WP theme?

Make sure you are using the right file >> Go to your downloads page >> (assuming you are logged in) >> click download and choose ‘Installable WordPress Files Only’

IF it still does not work then unzip the theme and use FTP.

I wonder if i have made a mistake. The theme i purchased is
Sports Store Responsive Ecommerce HTML5 That is WP isnt it?

Thank you for assisting.

Unfortunately, that one is just a HTML site, but they have a WordPress version available starting at $59 (Sports Store Multipurpose WordPress Theme).

Whats the file link?

Is it this?

That is NOT WP

That said there IS a WP version (but slightly different name)

Which do you have the $17 one or $59 one?

Thank you for the prompt replies.

Due to my haste and excitement i did not realise that it is a HTML Theme and not WP. I thought it was Wp dsigned using html 5, a mistake made due to inexperience. Given i simply dont have $40 extra im in a quandry so i have submitted a ticket and hopefully we can do a refund.

Thanks once again for the help, it is greatly appreciated.

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