Can't access Plugins after upgrade

I updated to Kalium 2.2 and now when I click on my plugins in the backend I get the “Welcome To Kalium” page instead of my installed plugins. This happened on the last upgrade and they fixed it but didn’t tell how they fixed it. Now my support has run out and I don’t think it’s fair to ask me to buy support for a problem I didn’t cause.

Post the same in the plugin’s comments section, since they’re aware of the problem they may fix it.

Thanks for your response.

I don’t know what you mean by the plugin’s comment section. It’s not one plugin I can’t see it’s all of them. When I am in the backend of Wordpress and click on “Plugins” in the left navigation the “Welcome To Kalium” page comes instead of all my plugins. If there is a comment section for all my plugins please tell me where it is.


There isn’t a comment section for all your plugins, if you are still covered under theme support contact Kallium’s author.

Hi @visual14com,

Please try to report the problem to theme author via their comment section:
