Can we collect Royalties through P.R.O from our Royalty Free Music in AJ?

Hi guys,

Sorry for the basic question, but I must be honest…I am a bit confused about this and I would love some help. I live in Sydney (Australia) and I am a member of APRA (the P.R.O here). Can we still collect royalties from our music sold here? If yes…How does it work? Do I have to register each track uploaded here with them? Any help would be really appreciated. Thanks

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Yes and yes :slight_smile:


Thanks a lot for your reply. Which PRO are you a member of? finally, is it worth money-wise the time and effort to register each and ever single track there?

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Hi bro,

I think you should contact APRA for any questions about this. Yes it woth it, the problem here is that buyers don’t care about PRO.

By the way I heard recently one of your track in an advertising on french tv. :slight_smile:

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hi Vermair, thanks a lot for your reply. Yes…I will definitely contact APRA and register my work there.
Do you have your tracks registered? How often do you get the royalties?

Thanks for letting me know that my work is being played there in French TV. If you happen to know any link where I could watch it, it would be great!

All the best to you my friend.


Don’t go to ARPA. Go to ASCAP, eventually BMI.

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Hey Red Octopus,

Thanks for your suggestion. :slight_smile:

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