can i use free envato stuff in many professional products?

users are getting many products as a freebie from envato per month. so my question is can i use 1 free product in 2 or more different work?

please someone help me.


yes you can use but you will not be able to receive future update and author support if you don’t purchase a license of that product.


I am not sure this is the case - freebies come with a “regular” license so would need to abide by those rules.

Aregualy you could download multiple copies/licenses but it may be limited to 1 per user per month

Regarding this same post, is it possible to use an old free file for some recent project?

Best regards.

As long as you haven’t used it already in a different project then it’s the same as if you had bought the regular license, so should be fine

Thank you for your reply @charlie4282 :wink:

Best regards.