Can I Use Envato Music For MY Youtube Live Streams ?

I Been Envato subscriber from almost a year and have used the resources available for various things but lately i am into chat or gaming live streams on youtube .

now my concern is can i download and use the music from envato for my live stream ?

if i cant is there any solution or if there is any filter i need to use to get the right type of allowed music (using filter likes exclude PRO or content ID or something like that)
any leads will be super helpful

Thanks in Advance

YouTube Live is classified as broadcast. The standard Elements license doesn’t cover broadcast use. If a customer intends to use Envato Elements for broadcasting, they must upgrade to the Enterprise plan or have to purchase a broadcast license from AudioJungle. If a user plans to use Envato Elements for broadcasting, they must either upgrade to the Enterprise plan or buy a broadcast license from AudioJungle.