Can I submit This Flyer?

Give your valuable opinion.Thanks.

The design explains what to expect in the flyer which is a good thing, but you write ups are not consistent. If the flyer is for an English client, or your client wants it in English they stick to English. Don’t write some things in English and others in another language. Can be confusing
Nice design by the way.

It’s not ready - in particular the typogrpahy e.g. alignment, hierarchy etc. needs attention

hi as mentioned by Charlie, indeed, u have several alignment issues. U also have a spacing issue and thus much to deal with violated design principles. This, not to mention that u have a bit contrast issues with some texts that u should underline indeed … (price, phone number …). Your design is also quite close from a work from Grafilker indeed but your typo is flatter and lacking font combinations , too


Thanks a lot.

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my pleasure :slight_smile: