I have coded a product for woo commerce plug-in that creates an android version of e-commerce. I am worry about sealing. can I encode my product by ion-cube before uploaded it on market?
I think Encoding main script code will not be acceptable in codecanyon. Just think if you encode your product main script then how your customer will be able to customize. You script should be easy customizable based on customer demand.
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we have defined features in plug-in for customers to customize product but we want to prevent stealing source code.
Unfortunately this is a downside to stock selling items and far from exclusive to envato.
Ultimately encrypting the code goes against envatos t&c’s and in most cases it’s futile if someone really wants to get passed this type of protection then on the whole they will find a way
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Do you mean this item for example
has a clear code? and how you prevent others from stealing?