Can I include png or eps in my psd file?

Can I include png or eps files with an illustration (bottles, balloons, hearts, trees, etc.) in my psd file for example to make a flyer?

probably you can

one time I made sketch food menu design (with vegetables sketches) and I put inside zip file folder with separated sketches (each one as single sketch in eps and pdf file format) and item got approved three times (there was three items with those sketches).

So yes, I think you can do this.

Oh - edit -> I don’t know if I get you right. If you want attach any files (in zip or in PSD directly) you must have rights to do this - in simple words, you have to be an author of those files or you need full author rights to use this files as commercial / sales).

To be more specific. How do you include this kind of stuff?

@anon93157897 @tmcom

as a normal bitmap files in PSD :slight_smile: just name them correctly and you are done. :slight_smile:

offcourse if you have rights to use and resell this bitmaps :slight_smile:

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Mine artwork. The tropical one is a fully 3D render. Only the Little animals are png stocks.

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if this is your work you can put them inside :slight_smile: as bitmap and also you can add extra folder to zip file with those bitmaps as separated files for use (this is what I did because I want to my customers can use them free if they want ) :slight_smile:

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Then I can use a PNG image for example of a fruit using: place embedded photoshop elements and you’re done?:slightly_smiling_face:

you can do it anyway you like - just keep it with envato rules.

If I was on your place I do this -> my bottle is smart object in PSD in case someone want change this in seconds :slight_smile: + separated bottle jpg or png file just to use this in any other design (for himself not to resell).


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Thank you @Novocaina @anon93157897

you are welcome

one more thing, there is new rule on envato, if my respond was usefull you can go to my profile and buy my designs - otherwise you will be haunted by devil :slight_smile:

good day :slight_smile: he he he

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Where they recommend downloading the bitmap

Just make normal zip file with your design which you are uploading for review and put your bitmaps inside this zip file :slight_smile:

is that helps ?

oh man :slight_smile:

Envato moderator -> this is for you , I am drunk and I cant.