Hello, I have submitted Photoshop Action since 8 days but there’s no reply. Is anything bad happened? how many days they take to review?
I’ve seen that 3-4 days for Add-ons in help centre.
These days it goes slow review and I waited for a week.
I have a 10 day pending submission
ooops!, May I know the category? Vector, logo or action?
it depends much on categories, i waited for about 5 days in the flyer one … however, u should also make sure that u did not receive a hard rejection email that ended up in your spam … can u still see the item being queued? if so this is safe , just need to wait and be patient un know multi million dollar companies do not have enough money to hire a couple of additional reviewers, though they have some to take over an other company and try to kill us all … i guess that has to be a matter of priority lol
reaction lol
T shirt design and logo
Woooow your actions are so realistic and high quality! very good…
un known multi million company lol
now 9th day but still in the queue.
Thank you
who is unknown? what do u think they have almost a monopoly buddy … they make millions with all transactions from all marketplaces … they get huge fees on every item / every sale, wake up buddy
HeHe, Yeah. I know … They have business in trilllions ,