Can I get discount for unsupported products?

I am planning to purchase a script. I know that the author does not support it. (FAQ, Self-help or posting in message boards are not support). It is unfortunate that many authors assume that FAQ, message boards, meditation, therapy etc are considered support.

Envato charges for support and the license separately if I purchase the script. Can I get the refund of support portion of the purchase price, if I purchase the script?

In short no - assuming the item claims to be supported (not all do), and the author does not properly support it, then you would have to refund and cancel the entire item including the license to use it.

Thanks for the prompt reply. The author claims (falsely) to support it. But he does not. Envato will promptly deny refund because the script is delivered to me.

They won’t deny it if there’s evidence that they do not support it.

Is the item listed as supported?

If you have not purchased the item how do you know it is not supported?

Not really, with or without support, the item price is the same - only difference when you’d like to extend it, you’d be paying extra, otherwise, there’s no additional payment.

Envato represents developers (sellers). That’s why they will deny all claims, with or without evidence. The item is listed as supported. But I am 100% sure that it won’t be supported. Its just how Envato works.

The name of the seller is Viserlab. See, bad experience posted by other buyers in the past.

Ultimately as @ki-themes said, none of this is going to lead to a discount.

Without having purchased an item, tried using it, and having requested support it’s not really possible to judge but in the example you shared the buyer is in the wrong.

You could always ask a question about what you think may go wrong using item comments and you then have a point of reference.

With respect of anyone has it in their mind that an author doesn’t meet their expectation for support or feels an item is not going to work properly, before having bought it to make a proper judgement then it’s almost certain that whatever happens or who’s fault it is - that person is not going to be satisfied and there will inevitably be issues.

Authors simply do not provide support; it is what it is, nothing we can do about. Questions will simply be ignored. I just had this experience with a carousal I purchased. I think authors have this impression that they can run with money after the sale is made, because the buyer is outside Australia… .That’s exactly how Envato also thinks

There will always be some bad behaviour (that’s the same everywhere) and if the author is entirely in the wrong then envato will usually try to help/refund etc. Depending on the circumstances.

Equally, there are a lot of examples where the buyer (I say that as a power buyer) may be in the wrong or have unrealistic expectations etc.

There are a majority of authors who go above and beyond with their support and further than expected.

As an author, I have received some “questions” those more like " show me how to do it "
If this is your case, it’s normal that the author is ignoring your messages.

Again : Authors are not getting paid extra for the support they are providing, with or without the support, the item price is the same.