Can I add Whatsapp or another contact details in description ?

Can I add Whatsapp or another contact details in description ? :slight_smile:

I’m not an expert but I don’t see any reason why not. I think just try, and if there’s any issue, someone will let you know

no, I do not think it is allowed .

envato terms :slight_smile:

  1. Prohibited Conduct : We strongly recommend that you don’t make your contact details public on the Envato Market or in any public communications via the Envato Market sites. Contact details include your email address, street address, Skype name and phone number (but not social network handles). If you do, it must not be for any reason prohibited under the Acceptable Use Policy and you do so at your risk!

I’m not sure about this, so I want you to be clear

I’m not sure about this, so I want you to be clear