can any WordPress developer help on this


when i am checking WordPress theme code on theme check plugin

i am getting below warning so can any one please help me on this, I am having no clue about this :frowning:


The warning message explains what should be done:

File operations should use the WP_Filesystem methods instead of direct PHP filesystem calls.

The larger issue here I believe is that whatever functionality you’re trying to bake into your theme is most likely plugin territory.

If you are trying to write to files (to create some dynamic CSS, or to save to a file some configuration or perhaps to export something to a file), especially on shared hosting, the functions fopen, fwrite, fclose shouldn’t be used, for security reasons.

Instead, as the message states, you should use WP_Filesystem, here is an easy tutorial explaining how to use it:

I am putting Mailchimp subscription newsletter option in theme and not able to find the compatible methods for fclose, curl_init and curl_exec in WP_Filesystem system.

do i have to use plugin for this and no easy option to resolve it?

i am not able to find the compatible methods for fclose, curl_init and curl_exec in WP_Filesystem system.
do you know the methods for these in WP_filesystem

Mailchimp subscription is better suited for a plugin. Here’s one:

Themes […] handle the overall design and layout of a website while plugins offer the ability to add new features to the WordPress installation.

See: Does My Functionality Belong in a WordPress Plugin or Theme?

Thanks, I truly appreciate your help.