Business Card - Item Feedback or Help?

I’m trying to get approval in graphicriver, with business card, Always rejected
“hard rejected”

I do not know what is being motive of disapproval, design? Structure of the project? Colors? The Idea itself?

They also ask you to get advice form the forum … what is the point?
Forum users do not make decisions about your item’s approval or rejections,
They just give you opinions, so you could know what to do to improve your items …
Follow their “best guess”?

I tried to make similar ones even though without success,

How to have a north of what is wrong in the projects if I do not know what is being analyzed and is considered …

Someone could help me understand the points of failure I want to correct them, just do not understand what the reviewer is seeing that I am letting go

Follows an example:

Thanks to who can help me because it is hard

They are looking fine for me, exept some little tweaks you can made in composing of text and images, but it’s subjectively for me. But I feel like I’ve seen some pretty similar designs already on the market, may be that’s the reason. Anyways dont give up on it and one day you will succeed! You getting better with hard rejects too, because you working harder. Good luck!