Buddypress Voting/Rating plugin for forum posts and comments

Hi. I am looking for a plugin similar to:

But I need one that works on Buddypress forum posts and comments.

OR if someone could put the template tags

<?php wdpv_vote(); ?>
in the proper place in my forum and comment templates, that would work too.

There is some discussion here on this topic if this is any help: http://premium.wpmudev.org/forums/topic/post-voting-buddypress-integration

This plugin is nice: http://rating-widget.com but I don’t like the idea of a plugin being hosted elsewhere. I am sure my client won’t like it either.

saviits said

hi adchix
rating-widget satisfied your requirement?
I am ready to create a plugin for you.

Kindly let me know if required.


Please send an email? sissi@adchix.com

Hi @adchix,

I’m the founder of Rating-Widget. I wanted to let you know that we are proud to announce that the new Rating-Widget plugin release supports BuddyPress & bbPress ratings. And the Premium version even support aggregated user ratings which is calculated based on all user’s activities.

  • The announcement: http://rating-widget.com/blog/bbpress-buddypress-star-rating-plugin/
  • The Rating-Widget WordPress Plugin: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/rating-widget/
  • The Premium version pricing page: http://rating-widget.com/get-the-word-press-plugin/

I have to agree with Adchix - it is not beneficial to me to have a plug-in host the data elsewhere particularly when I need to do data analysis on the resulting collected data from the database for other purposes. I would appreciate any responses that focus on BuddyPress rating/voting/ranking where the data is held in my own database.
