Blogger Theme Rejected after 9 days


Please tell me why this Blogger Template isn’t approve. I receive Email like:

Unfortunately your submission doesn’t meet our current minimum quality requirements for the category it was submitted to. Please consider taking some time to familiarize yourself with our current library and quality levels of popular items before resubmitting.

Well, this is template is a clone of tumblr theme. If that theme is eligible then why not mine?

However, this is the URL of them demo:

Please provide some suggestions.


What is your relationship to the Tumblr author and file?

did you have explicit permission to convert it? Was this raised with envato?

Well, i was know about it. I fully give creadits in Description even before my item’s into but you give me right reason. Maybe, i should need to ask tumblr’s author first before resubmitting.

Thanks @charlie4282 for your kind help.

Giving credit is not enough and guaranteed to get you rejected if not possibly hit with DCMA or worse.

You can’t just reproduce people’s work in other formats without permission - at the very least you need permission from the author in writing and ideally they need to contact envato to tell them too but you almost certainly will also need some form of profit sharing, fees and/or an extended license too.

Well, then i need to put this down but anyways, i’m also working on a Blogger Template that is totally my own. It is still not yet but soon i will add here. Thanks again for your kind help.