Blog : comment box missing

hi ,
my blog , comment box at bottom is missing ,
i do enable @ Setting - Disussion
my website - blog

please need ur support
using Salient themes
raDi .

Check theme options and post options for comments option if it’s not in theme options and when you activate in single is not showing then it’s a problem in the theme and you should contact the theme author.

Also if you had older posts and you with comments disabled and then you enable from Discussion section then you will still not see the comment form for the older posts because these posts were saved with comment form disabled.

great thx ur feedback but i have tried and still not showed up.

any one ?

Try to change your current theme to a default one(twentyseventeen for eg) then make a check to see if the box is there. If it appears then the problem can be from the theme or from a plugin.

To cbeck if the problem is caused by a plugin, simply disable all plugins one by one.

Please let me know if any of these solutions worked


Hi ,

A. Salient Themes & disable all plug in

  • blog comment not showed up

B. Change to default twenty sixteen & all plug in enable

  • blog comment showed up

C. Salient Themes & Enable all plug in

  • blog page comment not showed up
  1. You need to check all the options in theme options whether they are disabled in somewhere.

  2. Edit Post and at upper right corner click on “screen” button. From that check “Discussions” then see if the discussions are enable for that post.

Contacting the author could be the solution

something weird .

all the post with following date year 2016 the comment box will be missing
but when i set a post with date year 2017 the comment box is show up .

any one having same issues ?

As I said before you will need to edit all your older posts and enable conments. These posts were saved with commenting disabled.

great Thx and appreciated ur commitment

If you have a lot of them better find a plugin or you can ask the theme author to do it for you if they will want.